This page explains how to:

  1. Search and select your products
  2. Create a PDF catalogue
  3. Add to a new or existing batch
  4. Run custom reports
  5. Create single-product PDFs (AIs, press releases)
  6. Create multi-page PDFs (flyers etc)
  7. Manually add to a new or existing ONIX file batch
  8. Include in a website feed
  9. Delete from a batch

1. Search and select your products

  • Go to Search
  • Search to refine your selection (e.g. to within a range of publication dates)
  • Optionally, choose Refine results › By product, check individual products, and click to Exclude selected or Restrict to selected.
  • Click Batch actions and choose from the options that appear. (The rest of this page steps through the options.)

2. Create a PDF catalogue

  • Choose Exports › Create catalogue
  • Choose the Catalogue template
  • Click the button to proceed, and read the effect of the action before confirming.
  • Go to Notifications
  • Refresh the page until a message appears saying the catalogue has been created
  • Click on Result to download it to your desktop.

3. Add products to a batch

  • Choose Publishing › Create a batch
  • Or, if you want to add to an existing batch, choose Publishing › Add to a batch
  • Click the button to proceed, and read the effect of the action before confirming.
  • Go to Bibliographic › Batches to review the batch.

4. Run a custom report

  • Choose Exports › Run custom report and choose the custom report name
  • Click the button to proceed.
  • Go to Notifications
  • Click on Result to download it to your desktop.

5. Create a batch of AIs

  • Choose Exports › Create AI and select the template you want. Click Run.

Don’t see a suitable template? Add AI templates in Settings › Bibliographic.

  • Go to Notifications
  • Click on Result to download your AIs in a zip file.
  • Unzip the file on your desktop to review your AIs.

6. Create a multi-product PDF

  • Choose Exports › Create catalogue, and select the template you want. Click Run.

Don’t see a suitable template? Add catalogue templates in Settings › Bibliographic.

7. Create or add to an ONIX file batch

ONIX file batches gather together all the information required to send ONIX to recipients. This includes who is going to receive the ONIX file, what version of ONIX they want, how the file should be sent e.g. by SFTP, and which product records are to be sent. Most clients send us a support ticket to automate this process. Read on if you want to manually generate an ONIX file batch, but bear in mind we are here to help you avoid disaster before you send the wrong data to the wrong recipient in the wrong format. Email

To create a new ONIX file, manually:

  • Choose ONIX › Create ONIX file batch
  • Type in whatever name you would like to give the batch that you and your colleagues will be able to recognise in future.
  • Choose the relevant transfer template. Is the dropdown empty, or missing the recipient you require? Please email and we will set it up for you.
  • Click on the ONIX file batch link in the message that appears.
  • Click Gather Export data then wait until the Notifications count goes up by one.
  • Refresh the page, and click Create file. If there is no Create file button, and you have Incremental selected, then there are no changes on these products since the last time you sent data to this recipient. Set Incremental to no, save the page and the Create file link appears. Your file will include data the recipient has already received.
  • After maybe a minute, depending on how many products you’ve selected, the Notifications counter will go up one, saying ONIX file built successfully.
  • To view (not download) the ONIX, click on Notifications > ONIX file built successfully > click to expand the row > File: Click here to open. That will open your ONIX XML file in your browser. Don’t try to save the file from here as your browser will probably try to save the HTML webpage rather than the XML data.
  • To download (not view) the ONIX, click on Notifications > ONIX file built successfully > click to expand the row > then right mouse and Save File on File: Click here to open. That will save your ONIX XML file to your computer. Attach that .xml file, as you would an Excel spreadsheet or a .jpg file, to an email, Slack message or whatever destination you have in mind.
  • To transmit the file via FTP, click on Notifications > ONIX file built successfully > click to expand the row > then Transmit file. This option will only exist if your template includes FTP details.

8. Include in your website

Only follow these instructions if you have worked with us to set up an ecommerce site for your company, fed from Consonance.

  • Choose Publishing › Include in your website
  • Choose your shop name
  • Click Run
  • Review the selection of products due to be pushed to your website at Data exchange › Websites.

9. Delete from a batch