Manage who does what on which works, by applying roles.
Go to People › Roles ⤴. This page displays named roles, using names unique to your organisation. It also shows the users and/or contacts (people or organisations) who are responsible for fulfilling those roles.
To add a new role from this page, click Add role, and complete the form. Each role must have a name, and it must be unique: update a role’s name at any time and the results will appear throughout the system. (Alternatively, add roles in situ on a work’s roles page, as detailed below.)
Click the Edit link on each row to view works where the role is fulfilled, and not fulfilled: it is useful to check that all works have been allocated role-specific caretakers.
To remove a role that is no longer needed, click the Edit link and choose Delete. Roles which have a fulfiller cannot be deleted, however.
To say which contact or user is fulfilling a role, go to Work › Roles.
Finding records where a role is fulfilled or not
Add a condition:
Role fulfillments - Role › Include any of › Choose one or more roles e.g. Managing editor.
- Choose what action you want to take, such as display a list of the products that have someone fulfilling these roles / Mark to-dos as
on works which have these roles fulfilled.
Managing roles at the work level
Go to Work › Roles to view and add any fulfilled roles. Possible role names might be as follows: it is up to you.
Art Director
Project Manager
Commissioning editor
Publishing partner
Roles can be fulfilled with a single user, multiple users, a single contact or multiple contacts. The fields allow you to add new roles and contacts (as either people, or organisations) if they don’t yet exist. Type to add these new records and the option to create will be presented to you.
To remove a user so they are no longer fulfilling a role, go to Work › Roles and choose Remove. You’ll see a message notifying you that the role is no longer fulfilled by that person.