1. Go to the work

Search or browse to go to Work › Metadata.

2. Go to the contributions section

Scroll down, use the left hand local menu, or use the page filter, to get to the the contributions region of the page.

3. Click to add

Click the Add button in the contributor section.

4. Choose a role

Choose a ‘Role’, e.g. ‘By (author)’.

5. Choose the contributor

Type part of their name under ‘Contributor’ on the form that appears. If your contributor is already in the system, they will be in the dropdown.

6. Alternatively, add a new contributor

Type the name of the new contributor. You’ll be give the option to create them either as a person or an organisation. Complete the form. Click Save.

9. Choose relevant geographical info

Choose any regions or countries associated with this contributor.

10. Associate the right products with the contributor

Untick any products that this contributor doesn’t apply to.

11. Click to save

Click Save to go to Work › Metadata. The contributors list is sortable if you want to change the order the contributors are listed in. This order is sent in ONIX so is important if you want Amazon, for instance, to list your contributors in a particular order. Order contributors by dragging and dropping.

12. Refine how it displays on your advance information sheet (AI)

On your AI, the contributors will be listed in a format generated programmatically by Consonance. If you want to override this, enter an Authorship description against each of your products.